Private Insurance Coverage

While most dialysis patients are entitled to Medicare, federal law also gives them the right to maintain their private, employer coverage for up to 30 months. This option is important to all kidney patients, because it incentivizes health plans to detect and treat Chronic Kidney Disease, take measures to preserve patients’ kidney function for as long as possible, and assure a safe, stable transition to ESRD when kidney failure becomes inevitable. Dialysis patients may wish to maintain their private insurance to continue dental or dependent coverage that are unavailable in Medicare, or to take advantage of lower cost-sharing.

A recent U.S. Supreme Court decision threatens access to private coverage by permitting health plans to carve off dialysis benefits from their networks, and impose restrictive terms on patients. DPC is fighting for legislation to restore the protections Congress guaranteed 40 years ago.

Dialysis Patients Didn’t Choose Kidney Disease. Please Let Them Choose Their Health Coverage.

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